Shielded truth: the National Climate Assessment

2009 Wildfire in Yosemite National Park
Heat spikes and wildfires are just some of the threats to our globe (/img)

Natalia Welzenbach-Marcu | November 28th, 2018

The National Climate Assessment, released every few years, is typically not made public on one of America’s busiest shopping days.

And yet that’s precisely what happened over this holiday season.

Sparked by the Global Change Research Act in 1990, these assessments help track environmental changes in the US on a regular bases, providing Congress and the Administration with a clear idea of the threats our planet currently continues to be under.

This year, the assessment–a full 29 chapters–covers everything from the gradually increasing global temperatures to the forest fires devastating California.

A lot of facts presented in this report, all peer-reviewed and carefully collected, seem to contradict much of rhetoric coming out of the current Administration. And that’s very much why the assessment, which must, by law, be released, was forced to make its notes public on one of the few days where most of America would be turned towards shopping sites and mall sales.

There are decades of research backing up claims of climate change and global warming. The Earth is, on average, a temperature or two hotter, a tiny change that’s had a monstrous effect on local and global weather patterns.

Knowledge is our greatest weapon, and burying the truth under Black Friday deals is not going to help us win the battle against environmental damage.

The Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research has always tried to provide factual and useful information about the environment to the residents of Iowa with the Iowa Climate Statement.

Read the statement

Watch the video

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